বুধবার, ৯ ফেব্রুয়ারী, ২০২২

Watermark 勇

From now, most of my works will have a "勇" mark as a watermark instead of my full name or alias. 

The Mandarin word 勇, spelt as yõng, holding the meaning 'Brave', was inspired by a tattoo of Arefeen Shuvoo of Contract- a Zee5 original (link: https://youtu.be/pUUZuINHba0?t=3).

At first, I would like to say that everyone was a beginner at some point. I will admit that my only was who is not fantastic. But my knowledge and skills are developing day by day. And with suitable instruments, I hope that I can get something better far better than before.

All my works marked with this watermark will be listed here: (this list will be up-to-date asap)

Branch 1: Jashore Zilla School Related:

All proof of my works will be available @ https://disk.yandex.com/d/x1RuHeR2KUhxww
Visit if you are interested...

- Kazi Rifat Morshed

কোন মন্তব্য নেই:

একটি মন্তব্য পোস্ট করুন

Blog002: some life lessons...