সরাসরি প্রধান সামগ্রীতে চলে যান


 This blog page will be used as a reference source for updating information on Jashhore Zilla School on the internet.

pictures and information are collected from trusted school magazines, books,  and other reliable sources.



এই ব্লগটি থেকে জনপ্রিয় পোস্টগুলি

#TechTalk01 - better ΥΟƯΤƯВΕ νιdео dοωnlοαdея - playlist|subtitle|BDIX - windows & linux appimage

About a year ago, I found a better GUI ΥΟƯΤƯВΕ νιdео dοωnlοαdея for Linux in a GitHub repo for Linux. Sadly, that had issues but got a fork of that one which worked awesome! Platform: both Windows and Linux. Features:  Batch dοωnlοαd Subtitle dοωnlοαd (with video file) The whole playlist dοωnlοαd with ease Any Resolution, both audio and video (luckily) I got BDIX speed (accelerated speed) while using my RedNet ISP broadband in Khulna. Nice and Simple GUI Just copy and paste ΥΟƯΤƯВΕ video link dοωnlοαdе links: Windows (version 2.5.4 exe): here Linux (version 2.5.4 appimage):  here Github Repo Release link:  here   Instructions: follow the instructions mentioned in the github repo (click here) For Linux, please make sure that you can install and run appimage, google it Note: I had made a video tutorial on this but got removed from ΥΟƯΤƯВΕ, so, figured out how to apply some tricks to avoid AMAP.

আমার সবথেকে প্রিয় কৌতুকঃ সাখাওয়াত হোসেনের লেখা অসাধারণ প্রেমিক

মূল পোস্টঃ  https://www.facebook.com/1733745413537978/photos/a.2195924333986748/2195924090653439

Blog002: some life lessons...